The Gamnod Humans
Hailing from the northern reaches of Narrigh, are deeply spiritual beings who root their lives in the mysteries of the cosmos and the whispers of fate. They hold an unwavering belief in omens, viewing these celestial signs as the threads that weave their destiny. At the core of their culture lies the Book of Uom, a revered tome of ancient wisdom and cosmic truths that guides their actions and decisions. Their faith revolves around the Sphere Gods, celestial entities that circle the universe in an eternal rhythm, influencing the tides of life and fortune. These gods are seen as guardians of balance and the arbiters of destiny, revered with solemn rituals and offerings. The Gamnod humans embody a harmonious blend of introspection and craftsmanship, as their spiritual pursuits are mirrored in their exceptional skills in tailoring and sculpting, which reflect their profound connection to the divine and their search for meaning in the world around them.
Faction: Furnace
Crafts: Tailoring and Sculpting (not craybine or anything infused with it).
Available to the following classes
- Warrior
- Ranger
- Mage
- Hunter
- Elementalist
- Priest
Racial Abilities
Increased Jump Speed: Allows humans to leap over obstacles or cover distances faster, making them agile and hard to predict in movement-based strategies.
Restore: Can recover the health of their own kind, but not if they have been mortality wounded.
Fire Enchantment: Can throw a fire enchantment to create fires, but are not protected from the fire themselves. If used unwisely they can harm themselves or one of their own. Increases as level goes up.
The Humans in the South
To the south lies Olvastan, a fertile and vibrant land inhabited by a devout and industrious people. Unlike the Gamnod of the north, who revere a pantheon of many gods, the humans of Olvastan center their faith on the belief in one God, a unifying force guiding their lives and shaping their values. Known for their exceptional skills in farming and trade, the Olvastan humans have built a prosperous society, cultivating the land with dedication and fostering bustling markets that connect them with distant regions. Their deep spiritual convictions and hardworking nature make them pillars of stability and harmony in the diverse world of Narrigh.
Description: The humans of Olvastan, nestled in the fertile southern regions of Narrigh, are renowned for their industrious spirit and unwavering commitment to their craft. As skilled farmers and adept tradespeople, they have cultivated a reputation for producing some of the finest harvests and most sought-after goods in the land. Their lives are deeply tied to the rhythms of the soil and the bustling energy of trade, making Olvastan a hub of agricultural and economic activity.
Unlike their northern counterparts, the Olvastan humans favor lighter clothing suited to their warmer climate. Their attire typically consists of breathable tunics, linen shirts, and practical trousers, often complemented by wide-brimmed hats or scarves to shield them from the sun. Though simple, their clothing often features decorative stitching or patterns that reflect their deep cultural pride and spiritual beliefs.
Faction: Storm
Gods: The Lord
Crafts: Farmers and Tradesmen
Available to the following classes
- Warrior
- Ranger
- Mage
- Hunter
- Elementalist
- Priest
Racial Abilities
Increased Jump Speed: Allows humans to leap over obstacles or cover distances faster, making them agile and hard to predict in movement-based strategies.
Horse Command: Olvastan humans are intrinsically stealth on horses. Their mount will yield to all horse commands issued by its rider.
- Winscon Pole
- Lightning Sword
- Binding Dust