LLittle is known about the enigmatic beings called Echoes. These aliens are not native to Pyridian, having arrived on the planet approximately fifteen years ago, accompanied by peculiar lizard-like creatures often referred to as their “pets.” Shrouded in mystery, the Echoes appear as spectral entities, unseen but undeniably present. Their most unsettling ability is the power to create sound in complete silence—an auditory phenomenon that defies natural laws and unnerves even the bravest.
Theories about their existence abound. Some believe the Echoes are manifestations of madness brought on by the dreaded Telquorkhans, while others suspect they are conjurations, summoned by fearless Peltarck warriors to incite fear and confusion among their enemies. Despite their alien origins, the Echoes have shown the ability to communicate fluently in the common tongue of the Citizens, suggesting a level of intelligence and adaptability.
Echoes share one remarkable trait with the superhuman Citizens: the ability to self-heal. Wounds inflicted upon them close almost instantaneously, making them formidable adversaries in any conflict. Accounts describe their semi-transparent forms shifting and repairing before the eyes of their attackers, further amplifying their eerie reputation.
Whether they are malevolent invaders, misunderstood wanderers, or something entirely otherworldly remains a subject of debate. Their presence continues to challenge the understanding and courage of those who encounter them on the ever-tenuous lands of Pyridian.
“A hole appeared in Echo’s chest, and then it slowly closed, absorbed in its semi-transparent ridges. The alien continued advancing on him. The commander leapt from the railings into the cargo’s base…”